Have yourself a very handmade Christmas!
Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd December
@theapex, Charter Square, Bury St. Edmunds
Individual Art, Craft and Design
from the makers of the March Hare Collective.
10am - 4pm / free entry / cafe and bar
October 2012
Saturday the 3rd November is almost here! We have one exhibitor stranded in New York and so Thames ART will be sadly missed this weekend. So, we have 22 stalls including art, print, craft, wood turning, crochet, stained glass, handmade food, jewellery...
All original work...
November promises to be very busy in the run up to Christmas. The collective continues to develop and expand with so much support and interest. The space and light of The Apex is the ideal venue for exhibiting with the gallery space upstairs. Currently there is a powerful exhibition upstairs celebrating Black History Month from the 8th - 25th October.
Sept 2012
Our next event is Saturday 6th October.
The Christmas flyer is out. We have Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd December at The Apex with different exhibitors for each day. It promises to be a showcase of Suffolk's creativity and a real opportunity to support up and coming designer makers.
Aug 2012
We begin the academic year with an event on
Saturday 1st September 2012
@theapex, Charter Square, Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 3FD.
Come along with a flyer, add your name and e-mail address and enter our raffle draw!
The prize will be hand selected from one of our fantastic designer makers.
Our ethos is to support the handmade, great quality, creative and individual.
July 2012
New flyer has started buzzing around town.
As August just has to be sunny and glorious we are having the month off and so we will back in Sept!
Bring a flyer, sign up and enter our raffle draw and we can update you on our events and happenings.
June 2012
The next MHC @theapex is Saturday 7th July, 10am - 5pm.
It promises to be an exciting day to be in Bury St. Edmunds as the Olympic Torch will be travelling through the town and there are lots of exciting things going on in Charter Square. To escape the crowds please pop into the Apex for some R&R and browse through Bury's answer to Spitalfields Market. We are full to bursting with a creative range of stalls, boasting some of the finest handmade goods in Suffolk.
The MHC @The Lounge
The Summer Exhibition is hung and it is a varied and exciting display.
It will remain on show until the 28th July 2012.
May 2012
Our next event shares the Diamond Jubilee weekend!
Big event in the Arc, Charter Square with the March Hare Collective in The Apex from 10-5pm.
We also have an eclectic exhibition at The Lounge, Hatter Street, Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 1LZ. Exhibition runs for 6 weeks from the 16th June. Private View on Saturday 16th June, cafe and bar facilities from 6.30pm - 9.30pm.
April 2012
Another wonderful MHC@theapex...
Our next event is Saturday 5th May;
we have 20 artists and crafters and it promises to be a creative boom!
Bury St Edmunds Artist and Crafter Community
Our new postcards will be available to collect at the next event on Saturday 7th April @theapex, 10-5pm.
Suffolk's answer to Spitalfields...
Meet the makers and support the local economy. Keep the pound local and encourage home grown talent!
Next event is Saturday 7th April
10am - 5pm
@theapex, Charter Square,
Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 3FD

We had a fantastic first event in the foyer of The Apex!
Next date for your diary is Saturday 3rd March 2012
10am - 4pm.
The calm before...
February 11th February is almost here...
Find us @theapex for more wonderful designer makers.
The Apex. Charter Square. Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3FD.
Sarah Rhodes
The wonderful work of this jeweler is simply breathtaking.
Just thought people may like to take a look at some contemporary jewellery in the UK.
MARCH HARE @theapex 2012
We are delighted to be running a monthly Pop Up Shop and Gallery @theapex. We will be situated in the foyer with a wonderful range of our local designer makers.
Dates for the diary: Saturday 11th February
Saturday 3rd March
Saturday 7th April
Saturday 5th May
Saturday2nd June
Saturday 7th July
Saturday 1st September
Saturday 6th October
Saturday 3rd November
Saturday 1st December
MARCH HARE @theapex 2012
Thank you to everyone who exhibited with the March hare Collective 2011 - the collective is growing and the synergie between the artists is creative and exciting. Thank you to everyone who comes along to support the artists on the day! Our mailing list is growing and we hope to have a regular presence in Bury St. Edmunds in the new year.
We are pleased to announce that Mrs D. Whomes won our December raffle.
Watch this space for our up-coming events for 2012!

Christmas Angel by Amazi. Make us Suffolk's No.1!
A new song in aid of clean drinking water projects in Africa.
It's available now to buy on iTunes and Amazon
Or listen and pre-order CD's at http://www.rsvptrust.co.uk/christmasangel
We are delighted to be able to have a number of exhibitors in the Foyer of the Apex, in addition to our usual high quality and eclectic mix of art, craft and designer maker.
Just a note that Rio B, wonderful button jewellery will be taking part in our next
March Hare Collective
@theapex on Saturday 3rd December.
In the mean time they can be found at Lavenham Farmers Market 10-1.30pm on the 4th Sunday of every month. Also on November the 5th, Jimmy's Farm from 10-2pm.
Next March Hare Collective will be at
The Apex,
Saturday 3rd December 2011.
16th October 2011
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Collective over the weekend and also to everyone who visited! We had another very successful exhibition and it is a delight to have such a hub of creativity including the fantastic musicians that played on the Saturday.
It is our pleasure to announce the winner of our raffle is Ms Northeast. Included in the goodie bundle are some tickets to use at The Apex in addition to some fab MHC crafts.
1st October 2011
The count down is on! We have a fantastic selection of designer makers , crafters and artists. We also have a very exciting raffle - just enter your details on the flyer to enter the draw.
Included in the line up are; Red Sparrow Crotchet, Heirloom, Lizzytish, Rojo , Fruit Farm Fabrics, Pomegranate and Bird Studios to name but a few!
See you there...